Thursday, November 15, 2007

TIC data and the Road Runner Off a Cliff

Road Runner always suspended in mid-air ever time he went off a cliff ..BEEP BEEP!
Then he plunged..Yeeeeeoooooooo! He always made it to the next scene, but the dollar may not.

The Treasury International Capital flow - TIC data - are shouting that we have lost dollar support. It's flat lined from $64 billion to -$160 billion. Game over.
Gold and silver are going to be life boats with one major proviso.

The U.S. government goon squad will go after anyone remotely challenging the dollar hegemony as amply demonstrated today with the raiding of the well known Liberty Dollar offices and safe.

No one and nothing is safe from the government. They may just taser you which of course will not kill you, unless you happen to be killed by it like so many have, then ooops. We are sorry. Payed administrative leave for the 19 thug officers that pounded you took your money and your life, then no findings of wrong doing. Story has become old hat already. The police and the government are the greatest danger to U.S. citizens. Period.

Gold and silver stand in the way of tyranny, always have. The government and the banks want to have their way with you and your money, so gold and silver have to squashed, along with those who purvey it and own it.

This is getting ugly.

All we want is constitutional government, money, and to be left alone. Ron Paul supporters are now becoming terrorists according to the news operatives. They are actually calling anyone who supports Ron Paul a threat?!!! That of course means anyone calling for honest money is a threat.

Get ready or get out. The U.S. is screwed. Hate to be the one to tell you, but the facts are shouting too loudly, and the screams from dead taser victims are drowing out the psyop from the TV.

Loved the little freedom we had while it lasted..oh well.

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