Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Options Day Smash Comes Through - Again

These predictable trends are things of beauty. The options expire = the price gets smashed. Gold down below $800, silver with one nostril above the $14.00 line and holding.

When this contract driven train wreck is dragged away next week, I think the fire works will begin to the upside in a large way.

Larry, my local trusted coin dealer, could barely spare 5 minutes to talk with me because he so busy filling orders for physical gold and silver. Eagles and maple leafs of all metals are hard to come by - extremely hard. With the U.S. Mint essentially out of the PM business for the moment, those prices are only headed North.

Terminal stupidity and dishonesty have so gripped the government and the populace, that only the few who are grabbing the last remains of gold and silver have much hope of escaping with much of anything. The rest will be scrapping buy on whatever the government or gangs leave for them - and that won't be much.

The next President, if it is anyone but Dr. Ron Paul, will finalize the demolition of These United States. Bill of Rights, soveriegnty, financial independence, will all be done away with under Fuhrer Hitllary or any of the other crooks. A grim time indeed.

Have to pack for my trip. More later....Back up the truck and get another truck and back it up too!

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