Monday, January 14, 2008

Deeper Meaning of Gold and Silver

Yes, gold and silver are there to preserve your wealth.

For me, and I think for many, gold and silver preserve something else even more precious than wealth: my sanity.

Gold and silver are often called anchors of a monetary system. They quite literally anchor the world of man and commerce to G-d and the earth. Even if you do not believe in G-d, at least acknowledge that some mysterious force constructed gold and silver, and only by working with that force can we extract it from mother earth. This anchors the affairs of man to truth, nature, and equality.

Having gold and silver in your world will move you above the dishonest system now corrupting the entire planet. Like a liquid virus that flows into all corners of humanity, fiat currency spreads discontent, envy of the hyper-rich, despotism, bribery, death, destruction, and evil impulses without containment. The natural containment comes from the anchor of hard money, hard assets, where only gold and silver has successfully served for millenia. Paper has no role of lasting importance other than to lay waste to the good and reward the money changers over those producing the real wealth.

Eventually, the money changers - the banksters - hoist themselves up to their own hanging by over indulging in the kind of make believe commerce that fiat currencies engender. Derivatives come to mind. Mortgage fraud, CDO's, SIV's, all manner of extrapolation from the cotton candy foundation of fiat currency.

Having the ability to sell nothing but paper at near infinite mark-up was not enough. Now they had to pile on the exponentials where the 100 leverage of loaning out what you did not have was multiplied by piling loans on top of loans with the free ride given at the BOJ window, and soon the Fed window. The stacks of hundreds floating around Iraq and being "lost" in the hands of the governmental criminals has been a flashing red sign of that man on the street acknowledgement of hyperinflation:
When the currency is worth less than the toilet paper, you have arrived in Zimbabwe.

Gold and silver offers a respite from this horror world. It never gets over printed. It never goes completely out of fashion. It never gets replaced.
It truly is an achor.

Moor your ship to it and get ready to ride some rough financial seas.

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