Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Are There any Safe Havens?

Certainly the U.S. is no longer one. Ditto Asia, Europe, or S. America. Safe means keeping what you have. Anywhere you go in the financial universe, the fiat tiger can rip you to pieces.

Ask anyone who survived the Ruble crises, or the Peso crises - Mexico or Argentina, your pick, can tell you how fast and ferociously the fiat tiger rips apart your net worth and standard of living.

While gold and silver can provide complete safety in terms of ounces owned, they cannot guarantee purchasing power and certainly not fiat currency security. They both rise and fall with the Comex waves.

Where then can someone escape the wheel of unfortune?

The answer my friend, is blowing in....
Your local superstore, hardware store, property office, sporting goods store where they sell items of the lock and load variety, and your mega-food store.

Buy the tangibles and you will have bypassed all the commissions, in/out exchanges and concerns about returns.
You will have your returns! Food to eat, products you need, items to protect all the above, and freedom from concern about what government stupidity and dishonesty will ravage your hard earned lifestyle come the new day.

Most of the times, the above advice is a recipe for disaster. Now that disaster is in our time, it is a recipe for living well.

Yes, buy gold and silver. Yes, own rare items of value and use like firearms, magazines and ammo which have provided solid returns on capital for several years now and look to do even better in the future. Yes, load up on food, storables, and items that are imported. Keep your productive, dividend paying non-financial stocks, and let the rest go back into the pool, before someone empties it.

Most importantly, I am taking my own advice in spades and could not be happier with the returns so far.

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