Friday, October 12, 2007

Where the Economic Chess Pieces Sit

We, and the rest of the general population, serfs, subjects - choose your moniker - are largely the pawns. With a liquid net worth about $10 mil perhaps, you might move up to head pawn, or maybe a Rook.

The Fed is the Queen, along with almost all other central banks granted the unspeakably fraudulent and prima facie evil priviledge of ruling over all of us by printing money and credit.
The governments are the kings - able to move about in any direction, but only so far as the Queen - representing the bankers - wants. Bishops and knights surround the criminal duo of King and Queen, lapping up the largess. Knights represent Blackwater, Boeing, Dyna Corp, Raytheon, Monsanto, Dupont and a host of military industrial companies, along with the military itself. Any campaign finds support from these fire breathing brigands. Bishops, cloaked in self-importance and false piety, obsequious with their praise and fawning, follow the sheen of modern day social activists, environmentalists seeking control over all that breathes, more taxes for their dictatorial programs in the name of some cause more ethereal every day.

Gold and silver sit idly by, while paper floods the realm. Calm like a fighter that knows there is no match he can't win by attrition. While the King, Queen and their hangers on - Knights, Bishops and Rooks push the pawns into the melee, paper currency being as much of the fuel for the engines of war as oil itself, Gold and Silver have seen this play a thousand times with millions of different actors and victims. The decision always falls down the same way.

Gold and Silver retake the realm, so long as there are enough pawns left over to hold back the fake royalty and comrades from reinstituting the same regime.

Yesterdays leap in gold and silver shows there is a fire breathing bull awaiting any signal, any release of the lever holding back the gate that is preventing gold and silver from launching.

Gold moved up about 11.40 at it's high before settling with about a $6.00 move. Silver took its gains at about $.23 In the end, silver began closing the ratio from 55 and marching toward the 40 that I expect by next year.

Silver would be around $18-$19 were it at a 40:1 ratio with gold. That would place silver in the run to the moon category because $15 has been resistance and would become firm support at those levels. While from a bull market begining low of $2.65, the current price represents a significant rise of around 400%, there are many commodities that have blown by this performance - nickel, uranium, etc. Silver is behind in the race and I am part of the cheering crown urging it to find it's rhythm.

The market conducts the investment orchestra, so all we can do is:

1. Support and vote for Ron Paul as President 2008. He is the only one talking about the criminality of the Federal Reserve system and replacing it with Gold and Silver, just like the constitution requires.
This is link for showing support for Ron Paul.
Please also visit This is Ron Paul's Official Campaign Site.

2. Get gold from the Bullion Vault. Along with the lowest commissions charged, the gold is stored in Zurich or London if you want, can be traded very profitably without losing much in trade costs, and it can be spent easily or moved back into your bank account should you want.
Buy gold online - quickly, safely and at low prices

3. Spread the word about Ron Paul, the concept of storing wealth in gold and silver and related securities, and the disaster of fiat currencies.
4. Consider moving your wealth offshore. Much more difficult than it sounds and bullionvault or goldmoney are good first steps.

Take all this seriously please, because great wealth can be yours or great misfortune. Your choice depending on adapting to the situation we are in now and the one we will face soon.

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